Privacy Policy

Honest Bunch Foundation Privacy Statement

Important information about your privacy

Collection of information

The Honest Bunch Foundation is a New Zealand charity with a mission to help New Zealand be a fair and just society. We do not collect, gather or store private information. However, we also operate two anonymous reporting channels, Crime Stoppers and IntegrityLine, and, on some occasions, they may retain private information.

Crime Stoppers helps New Zealanders prevent crime by providing an anonymous and simple way to pass on information. We support the authorities, such as the Police, to gather anonymous information, but we are not the authorities.

IntegrityLine facilitates the safe flow of information within organisations, while giving individuals guaranteed anonymity. IntegrityLine was created to ensure that employees, employers, and organisations are better protected from possible misconduct or aware of issues in need of a management response.

We know your privacy is important to you. We have processes in place to ensure that when you contact us or use our services in any way, we meet our obligations to you in accordance to the Privacy Act 2020. Both Crime Stoppers and IntegrityLine have specific Privacy Statements that reflect the different ways in which they operate. Staff all sign confidentiality agreements when they join us, and there are systems and policies in place to prevent them sharing data inappropriately. The information provided can only be accessed by authorised staff and is protected against unauthorised use, modification, access, or disclosure.

Making a complaint

If you have a privacy complaint or concern, especially if you think your privacy has been affected or you wish to complain about our refusal to update or grant access to your information, you should contact us as detailed below for an examination of your complaint.

Contact our Privacy Officer about privacy-related matters:

Privacy Officer

Phone: 022 108 8928
Address: Honest Bunch Foundation
PO Box 25-392

If after that you are still unhappy, you can complain to the Privacy Commissioner. See for how to make a complaint.